
Creating a diverse, dynamic, joyful, and balanced musical childhood for children

Experts and scholars unanimously recommend the best introductory music courses
Children learn music happily through experiencing its essence

Diversity/Multifaceted Experience, Diverse Creation

There's a wide variety of percussion instruments, offering delightful tones, rich rhythms, and diverse melodies, sparking imagination and creativity

Vibrancy/Interactive Energy, Unleashing Vibrancy Together

Playing with music, loving music, expressing passion in lively settings, learning to affirm others while affirming oneself

Happiness/Step-by-Step Progress: Joyful Learning

Learning should be joyful, starting from instruments that are beginner-friendly to minimize frustration from ground zero, allowing children to establish inner confidence through notable achievements

Balance/Dual Progress: Holistic Development

Learning percussion instruments promotes balanced coordination, facilitating the concurrent development of both left and right brain hemispheres, fostering a well-rounded mental and physical capacity

"Meiling Music House Parent-Child Music Course

Specially designed for babies under 4 years old and their parents, this parent-child music course explores auditory, visual, and tactile senses, initiating early development for children's boundless futures

Chinese Drum Art Exercise Course

This course interprets drum music through various percussion techniques such as single strikes, double strikes, pressure hits, muffled tones, cut-offs, accents, etc., integrating diverse martial arts-inspired rhythmic movements for a multifaceted presentation

Latest Event Announcement

對於孩子,你給的是愛還是傷? 哪一種關係
親愛的爸爸、媽媽您好 因應國內疫情未緩,
週末來欣賞古典樂是最好的時機了! 今天要
親愛的爸爸、媽媽您好 因應國內疫情升溫,
天才的定義究竟是什麼? 我們都認識愛因斯
大會報告!大會報告! 【亞太盃春季國際音